1. These Terms and Conditions manage the relationship between Pampurr Your
Pets Canine Hydrotherapy Limited a company registered in England with the
registration number 09761446 referred to as “Us”, “We”, “Our” and each Client
including the legal dog (the “Patient”) owner, authorised representative or
person bringing the Patient for treatment collectively referred to as “You”,
“Your” or “I”. Treatment is provided at Unit 33 More House Farm, Ditchling
Road, Haywards Heath RH17 7RE (the “Clinic”).
Clinical Requirements
2. All Patients must have a current referral form signed and dated from their
veterinarian to participate in any of the services we provide. Once We have
received a completed referral form, the Patient's initial appointment can be
3. We reserve the right to refuse services to any Patient on any grounds
deemed necessary and We will provide You with full details of the reason.
Client Health and Safety
4. All Patients must be kept on a lead in the Clinic and around the farm to
ensure the safety of You and Your Patient.
5. Take care in Our car park as there are many businesses and many different-
sized vehicles moving about the farm.
6. We ask that you do not approach or touch any other dogs whilst on site as
We deal with animals with pain which may cause them to be unpredictable.
7. Please bring a towel to each session for the drying of Your Patient. We do
advise investing in a towelling robe or jumper for Your Patients journey
home. However, that is at Your discretion.
8. You are advised to wear suitable clean non-slip footwear whilst in the Clinic
due to wet floors.
9. You are also advised to wear clothing that You do not mind getting pool water
on, as Patients have been known to splash and shake pool water everywhere.
Patient Health and Safety
10. If Your Patient is fearful and potentially aggressive, then they must be
muzzled to keep everyone safe, including the Patient.
11. You are to ensure Your Patient has not eaten for at least 2-3 hours prior to
their appointment time and We recommend not to feed Your Patient for at
least 2 hours after.
12. You are responsible for arriving with adequate time for Your Patient to go to
the toilet before their booked appointment. You are responsible for cleaning
up and disposal of Your Patients fouls within Our Clinic and across the farm
13. You are responsible for informing Us of any injury or illnesses Your Patient is
experiencing. If Your Patient has an infectious or contagious disease
(including kennel cough, open wounds, vomiting, or diarrhoea) then We will
refuse Our services. This is to ensure the health and safety of all Our staff,
Clients and Patients. We can reschedule appointments once Your Patient has
seen a vet and recovered from their condition. The nature of injury or illness
may require Us to receive an updated referral form from Your vet before
treatment can re-start.
14. You are required to notify Us during any treatment if Your Patient’s injury or
condition becomes worse or if Your vet advises that treatment should be
stopped. If We are not notified, We are not liable for any medical or legal
15. If Your female Patient comes into season, please inform Us, as she will not be
able to attend any sessions until her season has finished. We can reschedule
16. If the pool is fouled by Your Patient, an additional cleaning fee of up to £250
could be charged to cover the cost of Extra Cleaning and likely closure of the
pool to other Clients.
17. Please keep Your Patient clean and well-groomed when attending all
sessions. This enables Us to provide safe, clean water levels, allowing Us to
keep appointments open, for all Our Patients. We do understand that in the
winter months, it can be harder to keep Your Patients clean. However, We
reserve the right to cancel appointments if a Patient is excessively dirty.
Cancellation and Extra Cleaning charges may apply if the pool becomes
Payment Policy
18. Payment is due in full on or before the date of the booked appointment.
19. For cancellations and requests to rearrange appointments a 48-hour notice
period is required. For any cancelled or rearranged appointment notified to
Us with less than 48 hours’ notice (including non-attendance), You will be
charged for the full missed session. We will contact You if We need to change
or cancel an appointment and no charge will be incurred.
20. We reserve the right to no longer work with Clients who regularly breach
clause 19.
21. In the event of Your late arrival for an appointment Your Patient may not be
able to have a full session. However, You will still be charged for the full
22. No refunds will be given without a letter signed by Your vet, stating the
reason Your Patient cannot continue treatment.
23. Block booking can be bought in blocks of 10 or 20. Blocks of 10 must be used
within 6 months of purchase and blocks of 20 must be used within a year of
24. Where the cost of Your Patients treatment is being paid for by an insurance
company You must pay for the treatment at the time of Your initial booking
and reclaim the cost from Your insurance company. We can agree to process
Your reclaim paperwork for You at an additional administration cost of £25.
25. We will make every effort to ensure a safe swimming environment for every
Patient. However, when You choose to swim Your Patient with Us, You do so
at Your own risk.
26. We will not be held responsible for any personal injury incurred whilst You
are at the centre.
27. We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of any personal
belongings (including cars in the car park) whilst You are with Us.
28. Where You have consented to allow Us to record photographs or videos of
Your Patient, We reserve the right to use them in our marketing at the Clinic,
on the website and on social media.
By signing this declaration, I am confirming that I am the owner of the Patient
named below and give Pampurr Your Pets Canine Hydrotherapy Limited
permission to begin treatment. I have provided Pampurr Your Pets Canine
Hydrotherapy Limited with all the relevant medical and behavioural history and
believe all information provided to be correct. I allow Pampurr Your Pets Canine
Hydrotherapy Ltd to confer with my vet and any other professionals working for
the benefit of my Patients health. I have read and understood the Terms and
Conditions above.
Client Name ...........................................................................
Patients Name .......................................................................
Signed (Client) .......................................................................
Date ........................................................................................